Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Assignment Templates Essay Example for Free

Assignment Templates Essay Templates include correct APA format as well as the sections required for the assignment. Students should insure that all papers submitted have a header of their name and the assignment and include page numbers. It will save time and enhance grading for students to use these templates as guidance. License Requirements Research Your Name Liberty University COUN 521-B05 Spring 2012 â€Å"State Name† Licensed Professional Counselor Licensure Requirements This first section will be an introduction stating your plans and a summary of the general requirements for the license for your preferred state. This section should include the contact information and reference citation for the respective state licensure office. Education This section will describe the education requirements such as what degrees are acceptable, how many semester or quarter hours required, and any specific courses required. This section should also include any additional educational experience required. Work Experience Required This section will describe the work experience required for the specific license desired. The description should include number of hours required overall with specific hourly requirements such as number of hours of direct client service, number of hours of supervision, and any other hourly requirements. The work experience description should also include any  specifications on supervision, such as whether or not the supervisor has to be an approved supervisor by the state licensing board. Finally the work experience description should include any areas of practice that the state office requires to be included when applying for licensure. Examination This section should describe examination requirements by the specific state office. The description should include what examinations are required and any specific score requirements noted. Uses and Restrictions of Assessments This section should begin with a short summary of information provided by the specific state office. Uses of Assessments This section should address the acceptable use of assessments per the specific state office. Restrictions on Assessment Use This section should address any restrictions on use of assessments per the specific state office. References References should be per APA format and should match citations in the text. References should be included for each source of information used. Exploring Reliability and Validity – Values and Motives Inventory Your Name Liberty University Exploring Reliability and Validity – Values and Motives Inventory Types of Reliability and Validity In this section, explain the type of reliability and validity used in this inventory. Areas of Concern and Strength Begin this section with an introduction paragraph. Then provide a sub- section of discussion on concerns or weakness such as low coefficients and a sub-section of discussion on strengths such as high coefficients. Concerns Use this section to discuss the concerns/weaknesses that you note. Strengths Use this section to discuss the strengths that you note. Sample Size Use this section to discuss how the sample size may influence the constructs purportedly measured by the test. Include discussion of strengths in the sample size and weaknesses in the sample size. Nature of Population Use this section to discuss how the nature of the population may influence the constructs purportedly measured by the test. Include discussion of strengths in the nature of the population and weaknesses in the nature of the population. Opinion Use this section to discuss your opinion regarding the quality of the test. Summarize information in the report and then relate this to guidance per your course material about test quality. Remember that even though this is your opinion, keep your writing in third person. References Be sure to include all references that you have cited in your paper such as the inventory (example below) and course textbook reference. Your reference page should be a separate page at the end of the document. This is the correct reference for the inventory that you are examining: Values and motives questionnaire: The technical manual. (n.d.). Bedfordshire, UK: Psytech International. Project 1: Initial Interview Type a short paragraph (2-3 sentences) summarizing this assignment as an initial interview to conduct a mental status examination and assess â€Å"client’s name† for the reason indicated in the referral question that you have chosen. Identifying Information This section should provide the client’s identifying information in narrative form. Include the person’s name, address, phone number date of birth, gender, marital status, occupation, current work/school information, emergency contact, and date of your interview of the client. Referral  Question State that â€Å"client† was referred to assess him/her for â€Å"reason indicated in the referral question you choose from the 3 choices provided in the instructions. Physical Appearance Presenting Appearance In this section use narrative format to present age, sex, ethnicity, height and weight description of the client, description of clothing worn, and presence of any assistive devices such as glasses, cane, etc. Also include in this section a description of any physical deformity that is present. Basic Grooming and Hygiene Provide a brief description of the client’s grooming and hygiene and appropriateness or not for the interview setting. Approach and Coordination In this section use narrative format to describe the client’s behavioral approach to the interview and the client’s gait and motor coordination. Also describe the client’s eye contact, facial expressions, and rapport with you throughout the interview. Finally address the client’s degree of alertness and the mood and affect present during the interview. Present Level of Functioning in Work/School, Relationships, and Leisure Begin this section with a paragraph that addresses general functioning of the client in work and or school, in relationships, and in leisure. Then address the MSE information as follows: Language and Speech In this section present the MSE information in narrative format regarding expressive language, receptive language, and speech as outlined in the document provided for you on â€Å"How to Conduct a Mental Status Exam.† Orientation and Thought Processes In this section present the MSE information in narrative format regarding orientation times the five areas indicated in the instructions, client’s coherence, client’s concentration and attention throughout the interview, client’s thought processes, any hallucinations or delusions present (note if absent), intellectual ability, and abstraction skills. These areas are  outlined in the document provided for you on â€Å"How to Conduct a Mental Status Exam.† Medical History and Current Status In this section, use narrative format and discuss the client’s present health status(as described by the client) and date of last physical, any current health complaints or absence of these, general health history, any past or present health treatments, any current medications, other drugs, or supplements, client’s sleep pattern, client’s appetite level and any recent changes in appetite, and client’s exercise pattern. Past Counseling Experiences or Psychiatric History In this section use narrative format and discuss the client’s concerns addressed and type and length of treatment that client has received for any concerns addressed (if none, state this). If the client has received help for any concerns addressed, also discuss the types of outcome from the help received with discussion of positive results and discussion of unhelpful results. If the client has not received professional help for concerns addressed use this section to also note how client coped with these concerns up to the time of the interview. Include discussion in this section of any medications used to treat concerns addressed. This should include prescribed medications, over the counter medications, or self-selected substances used to treat concerns such as alcohol, tobacco, or drugs. Family Information In this section use narrative format to describe the client’s current marital status, number and ages of children living at home, number and ags of immediate family members not living at home, other people living at home, any violence or physical abuse in the family, family-of-origin make-up, influences of the family-of-origin on present problems, family history of psychiatric problems, and family history of substance abuse. NOTE: If there is not family history of psychiatric problems or substance abuse, state this. Social/Developmental History In this section, use narrative format to discuss any irregularities in development or indicate that the client had normal development with no  presence of any irregularities. This may include prior experiences in life that have framed the client’s general approach to life. Also indicate the client’s religious affiliation or so state if there is none. Discuss the client’s current social situation such as social networks or activities that client engages in. In this section include discussion of the client’s values that seem to frame life for them. Educational/Occupational History In this section include two paragraphs with one addressing educational history and one addressing occupational history. In the paragraph on educational history include client’s level of educational attainment and any specialized training, college majors, etc. that apply to the client. In the paragraph on occupational history include discussion of previous work experiences, reasons for any job changes or terminations, and any military background. Conclude this section with a paragraph of indication of the client’s report on overall satisfaction of any current job or school engaged in and any current stresses related to current educational or occupational experience. Cultural Influences In this section use narrative format to describe in general cultural factors present with the client that provide influence on issues discussed. These should include the client’s race and/or ethnicity, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation, and any experiences of discrimination or perceived internal or external barriers that apply to the client (if none present, so state). Also use this section to discuss any other cultural influences that may be present for the client. Achievement Results Your Name Liberty University Achievement Results SAT Scores Use the first paragraph to summarize the case to the client as you understand  the client’s concerns. Use the second paragraph to discuss any additional information the client may not have considered. Use the third paragraph to discuss alternatives for the client at this time for the presenting issue with inclusion of client input in resolution decision. Incorporate discussion of causes, precipitants, or other possible influences on the case and any alternative explanations for the client’s concerns. Be sure to cite pertinent information from course material and from any additional professional resources used. Percentile Rank Use the first paragraph to summarize the case to the client as you understand the client’s concerns. Use the second paragraph to discuss any additional information the client may not have considered. Use the third paragraph to discuss alternatives for the client at this time for the presenting issue with inclusion of client input in resolution decision. Incorporate discussion of causes, precipitants, or other possible influences on the case and any alternative explanations for the client’s concerns. Be sure to cite pertinent information from course material and from any additional professional resources used. References NOTE: These are correct listings for your text references. Also include any other references that you use and cite above. Fischer, J., Corcoran, K. (2007). Measures for clinical practice and research: A sourcebook (4th ed., Vol. 1). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Whiston, S. C. (2009). Principles and applications of assessment in counseling (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Psychological Report NOTE: A sample report for Project 2 is located under Course Content in Assignment Instructions under â€Å"Project 2: Psychological Report.† This is titled â€Å"Project 2 Sample.† Use this as your template for the Project 2 assignment. Essay Questions: Name of Area for Your Essay Your Name Liberty University Essay Questions: Name of Area from Question You Choose to Discuss As this is an essay versus a paper you do not have to use headings. However, be sure to address each area within the essay question that you choose. For instance if you choose to address Essay Question 1, there are seven questions and you would need to discuss your answers to all seven of those questions. Do include a separate reference page as the example below. References NOTE: These are correct listings for your textbook references. Also include any other references that you cite in your paper. Fischer, J., Corcoran, K. (2007). Measures for clinical practice and research: A sourcebook (4th ed., Vol. 2). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Whiston, S. C. (2009). Principles and applications of assessment in counseling (3rd ed.). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. Test Critique: Name of the Test Your Name Liberty University Abstract Summarize your critique in accordance with guidelines on abstracts from the APA manual. Test Critique: Name of the Test There should be an introductory paragraph with a test description similar to that given in a vendor’s catalogue. In this paragraph also indicate that this critique will review both strengths and weakness of this test. General Information Basic Test Information In this section provide information in narrative format on title of the test, author (s), publisher and date of publication, cost, and availability or not  of an online version. Include information on the development of the test – full name of the test, when it was first developed, the population for which the test is appropriate, and its primary uses. Indicate whether the test is an objective or projective measure and whether it is more of an intelligence, achievement, or personality measure. Indicate whether or not this test has alternate forms, when these were created, and under what circumstances these are used. History of Test In this section discuss when and why the test was developed. Also discuss how the history of this test fits into the overall scheme as presented in the course text. Testing and Assessment Assumptions In this section discuss the assumptions of testing and assessment as they relate to this specific test. Test Description In this introductory section give a general description of the test in narrative format. This should include a description of the different sections and subsections of the test with indication of what each of these measure. This section should include some example items used to assess the construct of the test. This section should also describe how this test is used in the assessment setting. Test Content In this section describe the constructs, domains, or variables that the test measures. Discuss the unidimensionality or multidimensionality of the constructs. Also discuss the theoretical and/or empirical foundation of the test. Purpose of Test In this section describe the purpose and potential uses of the test. Also describe the population for whom the test is designed. Test Structure In this section indicate the length of the test and the number of items. Also describe any subscales that are in the test and the format used for the test items. Test Administration In this section describe the administration procedures for the test and the necessary administrator qualifications and/or training required for administration of this test. Also discuss any special testing conditions that must be considered and different versions of test administration such  as paper and pencil, online, computer administration, etc. Test Scoring In this section discuss the type of scoring or scaling used, the scores generated such as subscale, factor, or dimension scores, and the scoring procedures used such as hand scoring, mail-in scoring service, or computerized scoring via software or online. Technical Evaluation Standardization/Normative Sample This section includes narrative description of the size and demographics of the standardization sample, procedures followed in obtaining the sample, adequacy of the standardization sample, and adequacy of the norms provided. Reliability This section should discuss the types of reliability for which there is evidence and the adequacy of this evidence to support potential uses of the test. Validity This section should discuss the types of validity for which there is evidence and the adequacy of this evidence to support potential uses of the test. Practical Evaluation Quality of Test Materials In this section describe the quality of writing in the test, quality of graphic design and presentation of this in test materials, and other noted aspects of materials quality such as durability and attractiveness. Ease of Administration, Scoring and Interpretation This section should discuss the clarity and comprehensiveness of instructions, directions, or guidance provided. There should also be discussion of time and resources needed to administer, score, and interpret the test as well as any other practical aspects of administration, scoring, and interpretation. Summary Evaluation and Critique Strengths of the Test Use this test to describe the strengths of the test as compared to course guidance on what constitutes a good test. Weaknesses of the Test Use this test to critique the weaknesses of the test as compared to course  guidance on what constitutes a good test. Recommendations In this section indicate your recommendations for use of the test, for revisions, or updates, and for further study of the test. Although these are your recommendations, this should still be written in third person. References NOTE: Remember to include at least five references for this assignment with reference list and in-text citations matching and reference list in correct APA format.

Monday, January 20, 2020

How To Win Friends and Influence people Essay -- GCSE Business Marketi

How To Win Friends and Influence people This book was written in 1936 by Dale Carnegie. Some of the terms and vocabulary used are dated but the advice and information can still be used today. It deals with communication with others and the need for all parties to be able to perceive the objective from the others' viewpoint. The perspective of the book is from a position of power or management but it can be useful to anyone that reads it. While this book is useful, it should be remembered it was written during a time when the people in the workforce had a very strong protestant work ethic socialized into them. The book is divided into four parts, and they are: Fundamental Techniques in Handling People. The next section is called: Six Ways to Make People Like You. The third chapter is titled: How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking. The final segment is called: Be a Leader: How to Change People Without Giving Offense or Arousing Resentment. The titles to the sections are somewhat blunt and imply manipulation instead of understanding or compromise but the book stresses seeing things from the viewpoint of others and resolving conflict in mutually acceptable ways. The emphasis of the book is teaching the skills necessary to use the collaborating conflict style and behavior modification. The first section, Fundamental Techniques in Handling People, has three principles. 1) Don't criticize, condemn or complain; this is the most difficult one to manage. 2) Give honest, sincere appreciation. Everyone has some positive traits. 3) Arouse in the other person a desire to please. Using these principles promote the ability for the individuals to have an open, honest conversation. This in turn creates a positive atmosphere for conflict resolution. The six principles of the second segment are, Six Ways to Make People Like You, 1) Be sincerely interested in other people. 2) Smile at people. 3) Remember and use a person's name. It relays a message. It tells people they are important to you. 4) Be a good listener and encourage other people to talk about themselves. 5) Talk in terms of the other person's interest. 6) Finally, make the other person feel important and do it honestly. The third section, How to Win People to Your Way of Thinking, has twelve principles. 1) The only way to get the best of an argument is to avoid it. 2) Show respect for the other person's ... tried to use some of the advice from the book for problems which occur frequently. I have had some success using his advice. I have found no real support for his assumption that most people behave rationally or use logic as a tool for decision making. For example, absenteeism is a major problem. I have an employee that worked part-time. She supports herself and one child. She was calling off from work about once a week. She and I discussed this, she said she was having problems with her car and needed money to have it fixed. She asked for a loan to have her it repaired. She wanted to work an extra day every week until the loan was repaid. Her car is now running well but she still misses at least once a week. Considering the loan payment that is withheld from her check, she is taking home less money than she did previously. I am sure she justifies this to herself in some manner but I fail to see any rational or logical explanation for her behavior. This book and others like it are used in seminars across the country for management training. Perhaps, the real purpose is to train management to work together in problem solving. That is where I have found it to be the most useful.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Analyse how the development of relationship between characters helped you to understand the characters in the written texts. Lord of the Flies Essay

Published in 1954, William Golding’s novel the ‘Lord of the Flies’ developed many relationships to shed light on the characters. Perhaps the most important of these would be between the two main characters Jack and Ralph, however relationships between other characters including Ralph and Piggy’s relationship and Jack and Rodgers relationship are equally as important and help provide evidence of the behaviours of the children. The relationship between the two main characters Ralph and Jack at the beginning of the novel is an indication for how different the boys truly are. When the boys crash and arrive onto the deserted island they attempt friendship despite their differing personalities, â€Å"Jack and Ralph smile at each other with shy liking† just as any school boy would do. After being elected as chief of the tribe, Ralph makes his first move of power in electing Jack as chief of the hunting group to ease his embarrassment of wanting to be over all chief but not receiving this role highlighting Ralphs caring side to his personality. The boy’s continue to work together as a team and acknowledge one another’s leadership differences but manage to work together still in creating the best island possibly for the tribe. As the tension between them builds arguments begin to break out as their priorities begin to drift â€Å"they look at one another, baffled by love and hate†. With Ralph being a democratic leader, he takes in the opinions of the other tribe members in order to create the best society possible. It becomes an obvious barrier between the two boys drawing them back from being able to create the perfect society as they simply cannot respect one another’s way of leading. Jacks desire towards hunting and disobeying Ralph’s rules situation is similar to the biblical reference of Jack likening to Satan and Ralph Likening to God. People choose to follow Satan because he persuades and tricks people into believing his way is the more enjoyable way as it is a lot easier to go with Satan’s way then to follow Gods way, just as the tribe begins to fall under Jacks excitement towards hunting and ignoring the need to get rescued with a fire this being Ralphs rule. However this is all expected as for a child the more exciting and enjoyable approach to life is the path an average child would choose to follow proving the actions of the tribe to be considerably normal for them to want to begin following Jacks way of life. At the end of the novel the relationship between the characters Jack and Ralph proves the boys personality differences and helps the reader understand them. Throughout the whole novel it was evident of their unspoken hate towards one another and this tension is finally broken when the remainder of the tribe turns on Ralph as their previous chief and choose to follow Jack and his way of life. â€Å"And you shut up! Who are you anyway? Sitting there telling people what to do. You can’t hunt you can’t sing.† Jacks idea of a perfect leader is someone who had the previous roles of leadership in other scenarios, such as Jacks role of being leader of a school boys’ choir, giving Jack the impression that he is indeed perfect for the position of tribe leader. Jacks displays of power and leadership is Golding’s representation of an autocratic government where the power was taken from the tribe and not voted upon whereas Ralphs leadership and power was voted on just like a democratic government where he takes to mind the opinions of the other children. Understanding this, the reader can then begin to understand how dramatically different the characters each are and Golding uses the idea of ‘good versus evil’ in the characters Ralph and Jack by showing them opposites in their positions on social responsibility, personality, and appearance. The only thing Ralph and Jacks have in common is their utter hatred towards each other. Jacks arrogant and self-centred mind set causes him to believe that once hunted and killed, the pigs he catches make him worthy of the role of leader. However, in a tribe today any person who can bring back meat to feed the rest of the tribe is generally the best leader of the group, but due to the boys situation, it is only a bonus that the boys can have meat and the real focus should be getting rescued, this being Ralphs focus. With the tension being released within the last few chapters, Ralph is hunted due to the tribe’s sudden hatred towards him and their complete savagery takes over despite Ralphs caring nature and civilised personality. Throughout the novel Piggy and Ralphs relationship has been an eye opener to expose the boy’s nature and helps the reader to understand each character independently. When Ralph is introduced to Piggy instantly the differences between the two is shown by the way they speak: â€Å"sucks to your ass-mar!† said Ralph as he mocked Piggy’s unusual accent; from Ralph’s mockery, the reader can see that the two upbringings were very dissimilar. Piggy is in a lower socio-economic class and the two boys being forced into co-habitation together highlights the contrast between the two defined classes of society. Being a typical child Ralph chooses to name Piggy as Piggy just by looking  at his physical appearance once again showing Ralphs back round of being from a more upper-class region in England highlighting his ‘bullying the poorer child’ mind set. Understanding this, it is not expected that the boys would have a good relationship due to Ralphs immaturity but as Ralph soon realises the capability of Piggy’s knowledge and how that would help his leadership skills they soon become friends amongst the chaos. Piggy’s knowledge represents the law and order of the adult world. Throughout the novel, Piggy attempts to condition the society the boys had made to mirror the society they all lived in in England. Piggy’s continual references to his auntie demonstrate this philosophy. He tries to pull Ralph towards the reason-oriented side of human nature. The overall characteristics of each of these two important characters proves that amongst the islands nightmare state it had spiralled into there was still a sense of hope for humanity amongst it due to the maturity of Piggy who then taught Ralph his ways making Ralph an overall stronger leader, but despite all this the rest of the tribe still fell short and turned on both Ralph and Piggy making them â€Å"outsiders†. Ralph’s character can be once again shown through his relationship with Simon where Simon’s characteristics help shape Ralph into the boy he becomes. Simon can be seen as pure goodness, and he is something of a Christ like figure. Simon is fearless as he is the only one who goes to confront ‘The Beast’. The pureness in Simon, like Jesus Christ, prevents him from submitting to the beast-like nature of mankind just as Christ did not succumb into the terrible ways of man at his time. Simon also is the only character who stays true to his personal morals and beliefs although Ralph did try to stay true to his beliefs he did fall into the temptations of the tribe by joining them in a tribal dance around a pig they had just caught. Simon gives Ralph encouragement. Whenever Ralph becomes despondent or loses hope that they will be found, Simon lifts his spirits: â€Å"I just think you’ll get back all right.† Golding portrays Simon, the first boy to be killed (followed by the death of Piggy) as a symbol of a Christ-figure, of grace and light. Ralph’s characteristics of goodness, on the other hand is in contrast to Jack’s evil. Ralph’s goodness is based on order, logic, rationality, and reason. But due to Ralphs beliefs it ends up turning on him as he believed everyone has good in them, but through the novel the reader is introduced to the idea that not all people have good in them, and this is  highlighted through the imagery of school children turning into a â€Å"pack of painted niggers†. Throughout the novel â€Å"The Lord of the Flies† William Golding uses the relationships to ultimately shed light on the characters. The relationship between Ralph and Jack lets the reader begin to understand the true vision of good versus evil which is portrayed throughout the entire novel by Jack being the evil character and Ralph as being the good. Ralphs relationship with Piggy and Simon accompanies Golding’s idea of the good characters as Piggy and Simon pay important roles in aiding Ralph to make him the character he is at the end of the novel.

Saturday, January 4, 2020

Coming Of Age Throughout Mississippi By Anne Moody Essay

Coming of Age in Mississippi In the novel, Coming of Age in Mississippi, by Anne Moody, she talks about her childhood and the hardships she faced due to discrimination and racism. She provides different instances and examples of the different obstacles she faced. With all these various examples, I believe it helped shape her into the figure she later became in the novel and the person she turned into. It helped shape her beliefs and thoughts on society that she never realized as a child, but as the years went by and different events happened, her questions and answers about society and why people act the way they do changed. She wrote her novel as a way to try and help the civil rights movement instead of relying upon nonviolent demonstrations and rallies because she believed that they were ineffective and did not help the cause they were fighting for. In my view, the novel is a good source of historical information and argumentation because the author uses her own personal experienc es to depict the hardships she went through. Some readers would argue that the novel is not a good source of historical information, and they are not wrong, but some of the instances she talks about are not said in history books. She puts in her own personal views and shares her experiences and how she saw things with the reader. â€Å"One day when I came home from school, Adline and Junior sitting in the sand naked playing in the front of our house. All the children who lived in town used thatShow MoreRelatedComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi By Anne Moody964 Words   |  4 PagesThe book â€Å"Coming of Age in Mississippi† By Anne Moody is an autobiography and talks about the lifestyle of growing up as a Negro in the rural south during horrid times for blacks. Moody was born on September 15, 1940 and died just last year on February 5, 2015. Moody starts her story from the beginning of child hood living with her mother and siblings. She was a brilliant student and also h ad the motivation for doing her best, but the barriers that blocked her simply seemed impossible to pass, sheRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi, By Anne Moody1554 Words   |  7 Pagesthrough the heart of the nation and only got worse the more south you go. In Anne Moody’s autobiography, Coming of Age in Mississippi, Moody’s life is told through her eyes. It goes through her childhood until her participation in the Civil Rights movement. One of the major parts in the book is her slowly realizing the racial divide in America and the disadvantages that her skin color had come with. All the racism Moody experienced as a child until she was an adolescent led to her decision to becomeRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi By Anne Moody1206 Words   |  5 PagesAnne Moody’s, â€Å"Coming of Age in Mississippi† is an autobiography of hers that depicts the time of injustice, racial discrimination, oppression and the hardships African Americans dealt with during this time of inequality and how it led to Civil Rights Movement. Anne Moody’s overall life experience since her young age of 4, till her age of 24 of the movement, greatly shows the struggles of the time with uses on her emotional experiences and her analyzing skills of her time which did not fail to catchRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi By Anne Moody1362 Words   |  6 Pages Coming of Age in Mississippi Essay Fredric Stanley HIST 3881 Professor James Conway 7 November 2015 â€Æ' Though we Americans, in all of our efforts, feel as if the day of racism is coming to an end, I feel it is merely evolving into a much more subtle approach. Seeing life through the words of Anne Moody in her book entitled, Coming of Age in Mississippi, shows that racism, even back then, is treated with remedies versus a cure. After the many anti-discrimination legislations passed as well asRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi By Anne Moody1057 Words   |  5 PagesPaper 3 In the book Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody, it shows about a Moody growing up in Mississippi poor and in the during Civil Rights era. Throughout the book it shows the experiences that Moody went through growing up and how they affected her views on the Civil Rights movements. First, during her childhood the experiences of growing up as an African-Americans in the southern limited Moody to what she can achieve in life. Then in the teenager years of Moody life the experiencesRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi, By Anne Moody1655 Words   |  7 Pagesanti-Black laws and restrictions such as Black codes and poll taxes; it was a way of life dominated by widely accepted societal rules that relegated Black people to the role of second class citizens. In the autobiography of Anne Moody entitled Coming of Age in Mississippi, Moody describes growing up as a poor Black woman in the rural south and eventually getting heavily involved with the Civil Right Movement during h er college years. The detailing of her experiences expressed not only the injusticesRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi By Anne Moody1388 Words   |  6 PagesIn the autobiography â€Å"Coming of age in Mississippi† by Anne Moody known as Essie Mae in the book she writes in great detail the struggles her and other people of her color had to go through in order to gain their rights. From such a young age she saw the differences in the way people of color were treated in comparison to whites, things that no one should go through much less a kid. From the beginning you see that Essie Mae is such a brilliant kid and all the trials she goes through and the knowledgeRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi By Anne Moody1383 Words   |  6 Pages Coming of age in Mississippi by Anne Moody tells the story of her life as a poor African American growing up in America in the midst of racism and poverty. When Anne Moody was four years old Anne and her little brot her had to be left at home while her parents worked in the fields. They were babysat by their uncle who was mean to them and regularly beat her up. In an attempt to scare her he accidentally burned down their house, blaming it on Anne. This event had a tremendous effect on the familyRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi By Anne Moody1214 Words   |  5 Pagescontinues to plague us today. In Anne Moody s book, Coming of Age in Mississippi she depicts how life was growing up in the south through her eyes. The constant discrimination and abuse that many African American minorities faced was something she grew up with. As she grows up and takes part of many organizations to fight for equality, Moody manages to gather valuable experiences and wonders if the issue of racism is something that will truly be conquered. Anne grew up with her mother, fatherRead MoreComing Of Age Throughout Mississippi By Anne Moody1164 Words   |  5 PagesIn the book Coming Of Age In Mississippi by Anne Moody gives us a life perspective on how life was in the past for blacks. As well as her life story on how she suffered so much but she never gave up. She always found ways to overcome things and wanted to help blacks so they would no longer be suffering and have freedom. The book/author both add to the conversations we had in class. For example: how blacks had no freedom, worked for whites and were mistreated. They were not paid well, so many of